Born and Bred Dance Theatre came out of my desire as a dancer and choreographer to represent my love and appreciation of the place I live in. Wherever I was working or on a course, dancers would comment on my Northern accent, and ask me where I was from.
Usually, my responses of Saddleworth or Mossley (I moved over the border…) were met with confusion but when I mentioned it was near Oldham most people knew it. They knew it because of the moors murders, race riots and the home of the BNP. Not great press I must admit. So I set about looking into the history and heritage of the area I grew up in and attempted to find some positive press to inspire a dance piece. I began by creating the piece ‘More than Moors’ which was performed at the Saddleworth Arts Festival and went on to tour the North West.
Born and Bred Dance Theatre has continued to grow and develop since its inception in 2009 and has found its voice amongst a community with a proud and inspiring heritage. All our work now aims to celebrate the diverse locality of Saddleworth, Oldham and Tameside as we continue to be inspired by the rich heritage, landscapes and communities of the area. We aim to bring a respect for each other and our environment to every project and workshop, devised through consultation with the groups that we work with. Born and Bred don’t dictate, we collaborate. Whether workshops and projects are based on our repertoire, develop dance technique and choreography, support National Curriculum topics or explore the world we live, they are delivered alongside the participants to nurture self-confidence, mutual respect and develop dance based skills.