“Going Sane?” is the flagship project of Hoot Creative Arts, an arts and mental health organisation based in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. The “Going Sane?” project was put together by Hoot to explore the relationship between Sanity, Insanity and Creativity. As an artist working on the project I was given a small commission to explore an idea of my own. I decided to look at the effects loneliness can have on our mental health, with a little help from my grandmother Hilda Northcote and filmmaker Andrew Anderson.
I worked collaboratively with my grandmother to create movement and visual ideas to portray the loneliness experienced by many older people, before working with Andrew on the final edit. The result being, I feel, a moving and poignant dance film. To view the film click here. For more information about the ‘Going Sane?’ project visit www.goingsane.co.uk