Born and Bred Blog

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Posts in the “Performance” Category

Jubilee Jumelage!

Jubilee Jumelage!

Amazingly, this year marks 50 years of ‘twinning’ with the town of Hem in France.

To celebrate this milestone Mossley Town Council and the Mossley Twinning Committee began the ambitious undertaking of producing a series of creative responses and projects under the theme of twinning, alongside organising a variety of events.

Friday 23rd - Sunday 25th September 2022 marks the 50th Anniversary of the Twinning of Mossley and Hem. 2022 is not just a Platinum Jubilee Celebration for Her Majesty, it is also a Golden Jubilee Celebration for Mossley!

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Dove Stone: PLACE

Dove Stone: PLACE

It has been a busy couple of weeks here at Born and Bred HQ, as our site-specific dance project PLACE came to its end with a one-day event to celebrate the ever-changing nature of Dove Stone's beautiful landscape and the wildlife that call it home.

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